Longevity Variant Database

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    Populations | Study Types | Variant Types

    polymorphism factor odds ratio pvalue initial number replication number Population age of cases shorter lived allele longer lived allele study type reference
    - Insulin signaling pathway (IIS) 0.01 403 vs 1670 European 90-103 Genome-Wide Association Study 22113349
    - Telomere maintenance pathway (TM) 0.02 403 vs 1670 European 90-103 Genome-Wide Association Study 22113349
    3p24-22 3p24-22 0.037 3953 American Minimum age 98 Genome-Wide Association Study 20824210
    192/55 loci PON1 0.01 579 vs 308 Italian Over 100 R+M+ Candidate Region/Gene 12082503
    GH1 "intron SNP" GH1 0.019 866 Dutch Minimum age 85 Candidate Region/Gene 15771611
    Ile119Val PCMT1 0.049 40 vs 40 Ashkenazi Jewish Mean age 87.2 Candidate Region/Gene 10496068
    IL10 haplotypes IL10 0.05 60 vs 60 Bulgarian Age range: 65-99 −1082G, −819C, -592C Candidate Region/Gene 21299522
    IL10 haplotypes IL10 0.05 237 vs 90 Turkish Age range: 65-99 −1082G, −819C, −592C Candidate Region/Gene 21299522
    TNF haplotypes TNF 0.01 60 vs 50 Bulgarian Age range: 65-99 −1031 C/C, −863 C/A, −857 C/C, −308 G/G, +489 G/G Candidate Region/Gene 21299522
    KIR2DS3 haplotypes KIR2DS3 0.05 100 vs 100 Irish Age range: 65-99 Candidate Region/Gene 21299522
    −1082 G/A IL10 0.025 190 vs 260 Italian >99 years old G Candidate Region/Gene 11857058
    DR7 HLA-DRB1 0.01 325 centenarians versus 229 nonagenarian siblings French - 9425225
    DR11 HLA-DRB1 0.01 325 centenarians versus 229 nonagenarian siblings French - 9425225
    DR13 HLA-DRB1 0.01 325 centenarians versus 229 nonagenarian siblings French - 9425225
    rs189037 ATM 1.85 0.028 128 vs 150 Italian - 22960875
    F5 G1691A F5 0.002 400 neonates (187 female and 312 male), 184 healthy adults (129 female and 55 male), and 432 long-lived individuals (343 women and 89 men). Polish >95 years versus 44 years - 20720309
    rs11188059 CYP2C 0.04 616 centenarians versus control group of 945 younger individuals German Candidate Region/Gene 21798861
    HinfI347 APOA4 0.05 71 vs 100 Italian mean102.3 years Candidate Region/Gene 9622284
    - TH 0.045 202 vs 170 vs 82 Italian 100-105 (oldest of 3 age groups, see notes) Candidate Region/Gene 11053670
    marker D4S1564 0.044 308 European min. age 98 for one sibling. 91+ males, 95+ females Genome-Wide Association Study 11526246
    rs28969505 YTHDF2 2.19 0.023 137 vs 412 Italian age 99–109,years, mean age 101 years; 26 men, 111 women Candidate Region/Gene 16799135
    rs2153960 FOXO3A 1.16 0.019 300 vs 603;279 vs 797;383 vs 363 Caucasian 95.3 ± 2.2_x000D_;+M19994.5 ± 2.1_x000D_;mean 97.7, 95– 115 Candidate Region/Gene 19489743
    rs3778588 FOXO3A 1.22 0.023 301 vs 603;279 vs 797;383 vs 363 Caucasian 95.3 ± 2.2_x000D_;+M19994.5 ± 2.1_x000D_;mean 97.7, 95– 116 Candidate Region/Gene 19489743
    rs12153009 GHR 0.87 0.033 305 vs 603;279 vs 797;383 vs 363 Caucasian 95.3 ± 2.2_x000D_;+M19994.5 ± 2.1_x000D_;mean 97.7, 95– 120 Candidate Region/Gene 19489743
    rs2940923 GHR 1.21 0.0013 306 vs 603;279 vs 797;383 vs 363 Caucasian 95.3 ± 2.2_x000D_;+M19994.5 ± 2.1_x000D_;mean 97.7, 95– 121 Candidate Region/Gene 19489743
    • Page 1 of 42
    • 25 of 1027 variants

    The Longevity Variant Database (LVDB) is a collaborative effort to catalogue all published genetic variants relevant to human longevity.

    The project is directed by the Health Extension Research Foundation [http://www.healthextension.co/about/], and the online content is managed by the members of the Global Computing Initiative.

    LVDB is driven by an international collaboration of scientists, programmers, and volunteers, including Joe Betts-LaCroix, Kristen Fortney, Daniel Wuttke, Eric K. Morgen, Nick Schaum, John M. Adams, Jessica Choi, Barry Goldberg, Amir Levine, Maria Litovchenko, Aiste Narkeviciute, Emily Quist, Navneet Ramesh, Justin Rebo, Dmitri Shytikov, and Jimi Vyas. o

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