Longevity Variant Database

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    Populations | Study Types | Variant Types

    polymorphism factor odds ratio pvalue initial number replication number Population age of cases shorter lived allele longer lived allele study type reference
    APOE e2/e3/e4 APOE 4.40 0.02 179 Finn Minimum age 104 e3, e4 e2 Candidate Region/Gene 11213279
    G/A-IGF1R, Gly/Asp-IRS2, and Ala/Val-UCP2 allele combination 3.19 0.0006 208 vs 514 Italian Mean age 96 non-AAV allele combi AAV allele combinati Candidate Region/Gene 21340542
    rs1800896 IL10 0.031 119 vs 118 Jordanian Mean age 90.2 G A Candidate Region/Gene 20518833
    G1691A F5 0.004 432 vs 184 Polish Minimum age 95 A G Candidate Region/Gene 20720309
    rs1799752 ACE 0.016 12 vs 190 vs 105 Greek 99-111 D I Candidate Region/Gene 23389097
    - Insulin signaling pathway (IIS) 0.01 403 vs 1670 European 90-103 Genome-Wide Association Study 22113349
    - Telomere maintenance pathway (TM) 0.02 403 vs 1670 European 90-103 Genome-Wide Association Study 22113349
    ACE D/I ACE 0.02 689 Danish Minimum age 73 II DI, DD Candidate Region/Gene 12547486
    ADA genotypes ADA 0.003 62 vs 64 vs143 vs 272 Italian Minimum age 90 ADA*2 non-ADA*2 Candidate Region/Gene 20174870
    rs1800629 TNF 0.019 747 Italian 19-110 A G Candidate Region/Gene 18511747
    rs1800795 IL-6 0.018 285 Finn 90-95 C G Candidate Region/Gene 15664628
    rs1800871 IL-10 0.0026 500 Japanese 56.7 years; range, 19–100 years TC TT Candidate Region/Gene 16424284
    IL6 VNTR A/B/C/D 0.56 0.05 61 vs 94 Italian Mean age 100 B non-B Candidate Region/Gene 17506774
    G477T SIRT3 0.0272 801 Italian 120 subject aged 100 or older GT TT Candidate Region/Gene 14580859
    AAT M/Z/S AAT 0.18 1e-07 143 vs 255 vs 127 Italian Centenarians M, S Z Candidate Region/Gene 17048073
    rs2866164 MTP 0.05 205 vs 288 Ashkenazi Jewish Mean age 97 non-CC CC Candidate Region/Gene 22496539
    rs1805097 IRS2 2.03 0.0003 144 vs 418 Italian 85-100 years old non-AA AA Candidate Region/Gene 19887537
    APOA1-MspI-RFLP A/P alleles APOA1 0.045 413 vs. 571 Italian median age 101 A P Candidate Region/Gene 12556235
    3p24-22 3p24-22 0.037 3953 American Minimum age 98 Genome-Wide Association Study 20824210
    rs1801133 MTHFR 0.06 564 vs. 374 French mean age 100.71 TT CT, CC Candidate Region/Gene 9106548
    192/55 loci PON1 0.01 579 vs 308 Italian Over 100 R+M+ Candidate Region/Gene 12082503
    STR variation CSF1TPO 0.003 60 vs 250 Chinese >90 low variation in STRs high variation in STRs - 20582731
    rs4340 ACE 1.90 0.001 300 vs 160 French 100+ I D Candidate Region/Gene 8136829
    rs429358 + rs7412 APOE 0.04 1236 vs 326 Chinese 60+ e4 non-e4 Candidate Region/Gene 9792194
    rs4340 ACE 0.001 301 vs 172 Croatian mean age 88.2 I D Candidate Region/Gene 21614448
    • Page 1 of 42
    • 25 of 1027 variants

    The Longevity Variant Database (LVDB) is a collaborative effort to catalogue all published genetic variants relevant to human longevity.

    The project is directed by the Health Extension Research Foundation [http://www.healthextension.co/about/], and the online content is managed by the members of the Global Computing Initiative.

    LVDB is driven by an international collaboration of scientists, programmers, and volunteers, including Joe Betts-LaCroix, Kristen Fortney, Daniel Wuttke, Eric K. Morgen, Nick Schaum, John M. Adams, Jessica Choi, Barry Goldberg, Amir Levine, Maria Litovchenko, Aiste Narkeviciute, Emily Quist, Navneet Ramesh, Justin Rebo, Dmitri Shytikov, and Jimi Vyas. o

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