
:Phenoptosis a owl:Class ; :description "In phenoptosis an individual is sacrified for supra-individual interests." . :Sudden_Phenoptosis rdfs:subClassOf :Phenoptosis . :Slow_Phenoptosis rdfs:subClassOf :Phenoptosis . :Phenoposis :determined_by :Supra-Individual_Selection . :Supra-Individual_Selection a owl:Class .

:Apoptosis a :Biological_Process ; :description """Apoptosis is accompanied with activation of MAP kinase cascade, accumulation of reactive oxygene species, release of cytochrome c from mitochondrial into cytoplasm as a consequence of opening the permeability transition pore in mitochondrial membrane and activation of caspases.""" .

:Pheromone a owl:Class ; :description """A natural signal molecule (pheromone) sex-specifically kills S. cerevisae cells (Severin and Hyman 2002). Also bacteria undergo programmed cell death under certain conditions [14,15 in (Severin and Hyman 2002)]."""

:Biological_Entity a owl:Class . :Protein a Biological_Entity . :Enzyme a Protein . :Kinase a :Enzyme .

:Ste20 a :Enzyme ; :description """Deletion of Ste20 kinase prevents alpha-factor-induced death of a-type cells. Homologous of MAP kinase pathway is important in programmed cell death development in higher cells [4 in (Severin and Hyman 2002)].""" .

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