Division of Geritric Research

Created on Dec. 28, 2012, 9:27 p.m.
Language: en
Category: Aging, Research Center

    The National Health Research Institutes of Taiwan Government has Division of Geriatric Research, which is largely focusing on aging biology.

    The mission of the Division of Geritric Research (DGR) of Institute of Population Health Sciences of The National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) lies in promotion of successfully aging for the elderly in Taiwan through a wide spectrum of gerontological researches based on various scientific models.

URL: http://english.nhri.org.tw/NHRI_WEB/nhriw001Action.do?status=Show_Data&uid=20110614589717590000
Contact: english.nhri.org.tw/NHRI_WEB/nhriw001Action.do?status=Show_Data&uid=20110614925333310000
Contacts: Chen Chin-Yu

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