
Polymorphism: rs4641
rs4641 ( SNPedia | 23andMe )

Variant Type: SNP

- Symbol: LMNA
- Name: lamin A/C
- Entrez ID: 4000
- Ensembl ID: ENSG00000160789


There were no significant single-SNP associations with longevity after correction for multiple testing via permutation tests. However, there was an observed association with longevity involving the GTCT haplotype of SNPs rs915179, rs2485662, rs4641, and rs1468772

Ethnicity: American, Caucasian
Age of cases: Mean age 101.5
Finding: Negative

- Number of cases/controls: 873 vs 443 (initial) (initial) | New England Centenarian Study: 545 vs 193; French: 557 vs 546; Southern Italian Centenarian Study: 455 vs 450; Ashkenazi Jewish: 354 vs 348 (replication) (replication)
- p-value: 0.5
- Significant: No

Study Design
- Classifications: Longevity-Associated
- Study type: Candidate Region/Gene
- Technology: Meta-analysis

22340368: Human longevity and common variations in the LMNA gene: a meta-analysis.

Choice: Clean
Created: Aug. 2, 2013, 8:38 p.m.
Updated: Aug. 9, 2014, 11:39 p.m.

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