Lateral Thalamic Nuclei

The lateral nuclear complex, lying lateral to the internal medullary lamina, is the largest division of the thalamus. It is divided into dorsal and ventral tiers of nuclei. The lateral dorsal nucleus, lateral posterior nucleus and the pulvinar all lie dorsally. The lateral and medial geniculate nuclei lie inferior to the pulvinar near the posterior pole of the thalamus. The ventral tier nuclei are the ventral anterior, ventral lateral and ventral posterior nuclei [Gray's Anatomy:]type=bookPage&decorator=none&eid=4-u1.0-B978-0-443-06684-9..50029-9--cesec4&isbn=978-0-443-06684-9].

Synonyms: Lateral nuclear group

Hierarchy: 5

Parent: thalamus

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