Polymorphism: mt5178 A>C

Variant Type: SNP


C allele at mt146 appeared to be significantly associated with longevity, while mt146T had opposing effect. mt5178 had no effect on longevity in Chinese Bama population.

Ethnicity: Chinese
Age of cases: 90-110
Finding: Negative

- Number of cases/controls: 113 (cases) vs 200 (initial)
- Significant: No

Study Design
- Study type: Complete Mitochondrial Genome
- Technology: Applied Biosystems 3730 automated DNA sequencer

22729909: Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms are associated with the longevity in the Guangxi Bama population of China.

Choice: Clean
Created: June 30, 2013, midnight
Updated: Aug. 26, 2013, 3:53 p.m.

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