
  • Species: + -
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    ire-1 mutation ire-1 mutation reduces slightly the lifespan under AL, but reduces significantly the lifespan extension by DR. ire-1 mutant has a significantly reduced slope in mean lifespan versus food concentrations relative to wild-type. ire-1 mutation fully suppresses lifespan extension by hif-1 mutation under AL and DR conditions [19461873]. Worm
    asg-2 mutation Knockout mutations in asg-2 result in developmental arrest and increased lifespan [11410594]. Worm
    cup-4 mutation Lifespan of cup-4 mutants increases only moderately by sDR [19783783]. Worm
    nlp-7 mutation Lifespan of nlp-7 mutants increases only moderately by sDR [19783783]. Worm
    mev-1 mutation Loss of function in mev-1 shortens lifespan to 66% of wild-type (i.e. by 34%) and accelerates accumulation of aging-associated biomarkers such as protein carboynls and fluorescent materials. mev-1 mutants are hypersensitive to raised oxygen concentrations and their lifespan decreases dramatically as oxygen concentrations increase [9716135]. Mutation of mev-1 results in paraquat sensitivity, slow grows, and low fecundity. mev-1 mutants have a 50% reduction in superoxide dismutase activt relatively to wild-type [2233820]. Worm
    unc-2 mutation Loss of function in unc-2 has no effect on lifespan [9789046]. unc-2 mutant is uncoordinated [4366476] and its rate of pharyngeal pumping is reduced [8325482]. Worm
    daf-10 mutation Loss of function mutation in daf-10 increases lifespan by 60% (in Bristol N2) [10617200]. daf-10 mutants are dauer defective, dye filling defective, octopamine deficient and have abnormal chemotaxis and osmotic avoidance. Mutants in daf-10 display abnormal sensory anatomy, especially amophidial neurons and sheath cells, and cephalic neurons. daf-10 mutant males do not mate [2428682]. Worm +60
    shc-1 knockout Loss of shc-1 function results in accelerated aging and enhanced senstivity ro heat, oxidative stress and heavy metals. Worm
    smk-1 mutation Loss of smk-1 by temperature sensitive allele suppresses the extended lifespan under optimal bDR, but not the response to DR itself [17476212]. Worm
    ubc-18 mutation Loss of ubc-18 function by mutation reduces lifespan at 25 degree Celsius, but only slightly at 20 degree Celsius [19553937]. Worm
    wwp-1 mutation Loss of wwp-1 function by mutation reduces lifespan at 25 degree Celsius, but not 20 degree Celsius. Lifespan of wwp-1 mutants across entire food concentration range by bacterial dilution in liquid culture or on solid plates does not noticeable change. Reduced levels of wwp-1 completely suppress the extended longevity of eat-2 mutants [19553937]. Worm -9
    pdk-1 mutation Loss-of-function alleles in pdk-1 extend lifespan by 60% [10364160]. pdk-1(sa680) mutants are dauer constitutive (suppressed by daf-16) [10364160]. Worm +60
    che-2 mutation Loss-of-function in che-3 extends lifespan by 50-100% depending on the allele, but life-extension is suppressed by daf-16 (in Bristol N2) [10617200]. che-3 mutations have defective sensory neurons [2428682; 10508861] and are defective in dye filling [2428682; 7705621] as well as dauer defective [1732156]. Worm +50 to +100
    che-11 mutation Loss-of-function muation in che-11 increases lifespan up to 40% (in Bristol N2) [10617200]. che-11 mutants are dye filling defective, defective in osmotic avoidance and dauer formation, and have irregular amphid cilia [2428682]. Worm +40
    che-13 mutation Loss-of-function mutation in che-13 increases lifespan up to 40% (in Bristol N2) [10617200]. che-13 Mutants are dye filling defective, have severely shortened axonemes and ectopic assembly of ciliary structures and microtubules in many sensory neurons as well as are defective in osmotic avoidance and dauer defective [2428682]. Worm +40
    ife-2 mutation Loss-of-function mutation in ife-2 reduces protein synthesis and increases maximum lifespan by about 20%. It does not extend the lifespan of daf-16(RNAi) animals. TOR/let-373 RNA interference further extends lifespan of ife-2 mutants. Reduction of protein synthesis increases ATP availability and stress resistance [17266679]. Worm +20
    osm-1 mutation Loss-of-function mutation in osm-1 increases lifespan by up to 40% [10617200]. osm-1 mutants are defective in chemotaxis, dye filling and daufer formation, have short axonemes and ectopicassembly of ciliary structures and microtubules in many sensory neurons [2428682]. Worm +40
    osm-5 mutation Loss-of-function mutation in osm-5 can increase lifespan by 100-150% [10617200]. osm-5 mutants are dauer-defective (suppressed by daf-2) [1732156] and chemotaxis defective [8348618], as well as day filling defective [Starich et al. 1995]. Worm +100 to +150
    osm-6 mutation Loss-of-function mutation in osm-6 increases lifespan by up to 40% [10617200]. osm-6 mutants are dauer-defective, chemotaxis defective [730048; 8348618], dye-filling defective [9475731], have extremly shortened axonemes, ectopic assembly of ciliary structures and microtubules in many sensory neurons [Perkins et al. 1986] Worm +40
    daf-19 mutation Loss-of-function mutations in daf-19 increase lifespan up to 50% [10617200]. daf-19 mutants are dauer constitutive, dye-filling defective, and lack sensory cilia [7219552; 9475731]. Worm +50
    mdt-15 mutation mdt-15(tm2182) mutation does not affect lifespan on ad libitum, but further increases the lifespan when combined with DR (starting at the 4th day of adulthood) even more as wild-type [22132200]. Worm
    mes-1 mutation mes-1(bn7) mutant animals that lack germ cells live about 60% longer than fertile mes-1(bn7) controls. This lifespan extension requires daf-16 [11799246]. Homozygous mes-1 mutant progeny from homozygous mutant mothers are sterile [1783292]. Worm
    pha-4 mutation Mutants of pha-4 do not respond to bacterial DR. Therefore, loss of pha-4 completely blocks the response to varying food concentration. Reduction of pha-4 does not suppress the long lifespan of daf-2 mutants or animals with defective electron transport chain [17476212]. IF significantly extends lifespan of pha-4 [19079239]. sDR extends lifespan of mutants with a temperature sensitive allele of pha-4, but not daf-16 RNAi [19239417]. Worm
    trx-1 mutation Mutants with a deletion in the trx-1 gene display a decrease in lifespan and are sensitive to oxidative stress [16324156]. trx-1 null mutant display reduced mean and maximum lifespan. trx-1 deletion completely suppresses the lifespan extension caused by eat-2 mutation, but only partially suppresses that by daf-2 or osm-5 mutations [16387300]. Worm
    gro-1 mutation Mutation in gro-1 extends lifespan extension by 29% and slows growth. Post-embryonic growth rate is greatly reduced in gro-1 mutants. gro-1 mutant exhibit increased resistance to heat-shock and tends to avoid bacterial lawn [Mutation in gro-1 extends lifespan extension by 29% and slows growth. Post-embryonic growth rate is greatly reduced in gro-1 mutants. gro-1 mutant exhibit increased resistance to heat-shock and tends to avoid bacterial lawn [8638122]. Worm +29
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.