
We need to know every factor which determines lifespan.

Lifespan factors often but not always originate from defined genetic elements. They are not just genes, by definition they can be anything for which a Classifications schema can be build for that is related to the regulation of lifespan, such entities may include Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism, transcript variants, proteins and their complexes, compounds (i.e. small molecules like metabolites and drugs), etc. A factor should be based on a defined molecular entity or genomic position and been classified. It shall be highly flexible and scalable Concept.

While individual lifespan factors within each species or precise defined molecular entities will be captured within the Lifespan App, Data Entries of the Data App may summarize for instance the relevance of each factor class (e.g. homologous group; chemical derivate of related structure and properties, etc.) as well as draw overall conclusions. o


  • Species: + -
  • symbol name observation species
    Nlaz Neural Lazarillo Absence of Nlaz, which is homologous to ApoD, results in a reduced lifespan in both sexes. Median lifespan is 30.8% and 22.5% lower in females and males, respectively. Maximum lifespan is reduced by 12% and 30% in females and males [21376794]. Fruit fly
    Aut1 Aut1 depletion form the first day of imaginal stage shortens lifespan by 28% on average in Drosophila and causes morphological behavioural features of premature aging [18219227]. Fruit fly
    CG3776 Both overexpression and underexpression of CG3776 (alias Jhebp29) reduces the mean lifespan, where the reduction in males is slightly higher. The lifespan of male flies with under- and overexpressed CG3776 is reduced by 38.8 and 42.6%, respectively when compared with Oregon R flies.The lifespan of female flies with under- and overexpressed CG3776 is reduced by 31.6 and 35%, respectively when compared to Oregon R flies. Among the males and females, relatively to Oregon R and EP835/CyO, the age-specific survival of EP835/EP835 and EP835/Gal4 is reduced in both log-rank and Wilcoxon tests (P < 0.001); survival of EP835/EP835 and EP835/Gal4 differed using the log-rank-test (male: P<0.001; female: P=0.027) [18275960]. Fruit fly
    Cdk5 Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 Cdk5 loss-of-function mutations result in defective axon guidance, age-dependent behavioral deficits and reduced lifespan by about one third [17368005]. Fruit fly
    cert ceramide transfer protein cert mutants exhibit a shortened lifespan accompanied by enhanced oxidative damage to cellular proteins and metabolic compromise, such as increasing glucose levels, reminiscent of premature aging [17592126]. Fruit fly
    mir-277 Constitutive miR-277 expression shortens lifespan and synthetically lethal with reduced insulin signaling, indicating that metabolic control underlies this phenotype. Transgenic inhibition with a miRNA sponge construct also shortens lifespan [23669073]. miR-277 is downregulated during adult life [23669073]. mir-277 controls branched-chain amino acid catabolism and as a result it can modulate the activity of TOR kinase [23669073]. Fruit fly
    Sirt2 Decreased expression of Sirt2 by RNA interference causes lethality during development. Silencing in neurons shortened mean lifespan by 20% [17159295]. Fruit fly
    Sirt6 Decreased expression of Sirt6 by RNA interference causes lethality during development. Sirt6 silencing in neurons shortens mean lifespan by 20% [17159295]. Fruit fly
    Scgdelta Sarcoglycan delta Deletion of Scgdelta has detrimental effects on the flight muscles of adult animals and heart function. Median lifespan is reduced by 15-30% [17855453]. Fruit fly
    SNF4Agamma SNF4/AMP-activated protein kinase gamma subunit Deletion of SNF4Agamma from the first day of the imaginal stage shortens mean lifespan by 23% and causes morphological and behavioural features of premature aging [18219227]. Fruit fly
    DLP Daxx-like protein DLP mutants have a 20% shorter mean lifespan and reduced female fertility [17933869]. Fruit fly
    elav embryonic lethal abnormal vision elav mutation significantly decreases the lifespan. Median lifespan in males is 66% lower [20589912]. Fruit fly
    Hk Hyperkinetic Genetic mutation in Hyperkinetic shortens lifespan through acceleration of the aging process. At 25 degree Celsius mean and maximum lifespan is reduced by 29 and 32%, while by 18 degree Celsius the reduction is 59 and 39% [8582611]. Fruit fly
    Sh Shaker Genetic mutation in Sh decreases lifespan by accelerating the aging process. At 25 degree mean and maximum lifespan is reduced by 16 and 22%, while by 18 degree Celsius the reduction is 32 and 21% [8582611]. Fruit fly
    Pi3K92E Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase Heterozyogous mutation in Pi3K92E fails to extend lifespan [11292874] and it is recessive lethal. Overexpression of a dominant-negative Pi3K92E (DP110) results in mutants that have impaired regeneration of the intestinal epithelium and are short lived with a reduction of the mean lifespan by 2.8% for males and 5.0% for females [20976250]. Fruit fly
    mle maleless Homozygous mutant animals (mle napts) display a shortened median lifespan and increased frailty in both males and females [18208580]. Fruit fly
    Atg7 Autophagy-specific gene 7 Knockouts of Atg7 are short-lived with a 30% reduction in maximum lifespan and are hypersensitive to nutrient and oxidative stress [18056421; 19550147]. Fruit fly
    Dys Dystroglycan Loss of dys function in the heart leads to an age-dependent disruption of the myofibrillar organization within the myocardium as well as to alterations in cardiac performance. dys RNAi-mediated knockdown in the mesoderm also shortens lifespan. Mesodermal dys knockout results in a morderate maximum lifespan reduction (13%), but not when exclusively targeted to the heart. In contrast, half of the transheteozygous DysExel618/Dyskx43 deficiency flies die at 29 days compared to 63 days in controls. This indicates that a moderate dye loss-of-function in all muscles, but not in just the heart, reduces the normal lifespan [18221418]. Fruit fly
    dj-1beta dj-1β Loss of function mutation in dj-1beta shortens maximum lifespan by 40% and results in increased sensitivity to oxidative stress and motor impairments [17651920]. Fruit fly
    hk hook Loss of function mutation in hk decreases mean lifespan by 58 - 60% and maximum lifespan by 15 - 47% [17435236]. Fruit fly
    car carnation Loss-of-function mutation in car results in reduction of mean lifespan by 34 - 63% and maximum lifespan by 28 - 29% [17435236]. Fruit fly
    cm carmine Loss-of-function mutation in cm reduces mean lifespan by 43 - 53% and maximum lifespan by 40 - 44% [17435236]. Fruit fly
    dor deep orange Loss-of-function mutation in dor reduces mean lifespan by 70 - 81% and maximum lifespan by 71 - 78% [17435236]. Fruit fly
    g garnet Loss-of-function mutation in g reduces mean lifespan by 11 - 42% and maximum lifespan by 7 - 30% [17435236]. Fruit fly
    lt light Loss-of-function mutation of lt reduces mean lifespan by 47% and maximum lifespan by 10% [17435236]. Fruit fly
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    • 25 of 49 factors
    Factors are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.

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