
Collaboration is working together in an intellectual endeavor to achieve a common goal. o


  • project Organizations members People Description
    Circadian Clock Controls Ageing 2 3 Magalhaes; Wuttke; Wood :Abstract: Dietary restriction without malnutrition delays ageing and extends lifespan, but the molecular mechanism is still unknown. Ageing gene expression changes originate from development and growth cessation, are modulated by diet, and manip...
    miRNAs Control Aging 3 8 Schaum; Yivanoudi; Keller; Pate; Wuttke; Kumar; Conley; Swanson :Abstract: Gene silencing via RNA interference is mediated by microRNAs which are major controller of developmental processes and its plasticity conferred by diet. The function of specific miRNAs is going beyond the developmental period and extends...
    Longevity Variant Database 3 6 Schaum; Wuttke; Adams; Betts-Lacroix; Juan; Fortney ########################## Longevity Variant Database ########################## :Journal: Nucleic Acid Research :Deadline: 25th August 2013 :Abstract: We are constructing the most comprehensive database on genetic variants associated with longe...
    miRNAs Control Aging 3 8 Schaum; Yivanoudi; Keller; Pate; Wuttke; Kumar; Conley; Swanson :Abstract: Gene silencing via RNA interference is mediated by microRNAs which are major controller of developmental processes and its plasticity conferred by diet. The function of specific miRNAs is going beyond the developmental period and extends...
    miRNAs Control Aging 3 8 Schaum; Yivanoudi; Keller; Pate; Wuttke; Kumar; Conley; Swanson :Abstract: Gene silencing via RNA interference is mediated by microRNAs which are major controller of developmental processes and its plasticity conferred by diet. The function of specific miRNAs is going beyond the developmental period and extends...
    miRNAs Control Aging 3 8 Schaum; Yivanoudi; Keller; Pate; Wuttke; Kumar; Conley; Swanson :Abstract: Gene silencing via RNA interference is mediated by microRNAs which are major controller of developmental processes and its plasticity conferred by diet. The function of specific miRNAs is going beyond the developmental period and extends...
    Microarray Game 3 3 Shytikov; Wuttke; Tang There are many possibilities to analyze molecular Signatures. They can be compared to each other, meta-signature via Meta-Analysis can be derived, functional enriched terms can be assessed as well as Lifespan Factors identified. It is possible to ...
    Continuous Longevity Meeting 3 4 Debonneuil; Wuttke; Singh; Maidano The **Worldwide Continuous Longevity Meeting** is a continuous ``discussion channel`` where anyone can decide to launch global collaborative presentations. The inventor **Edouard Debonneuil** proposed to incorporate it as an organ of the ``Internatio...
    Human Experimental Aging Biology 2 3 Debonneuil; Wuttke; Watson The system of clinical trials in Western countries has been bogged down by high costs, red tape, and governmental restrictions to the point that within 10 years the engine of innovation in biotechnology will die [22378269]. In order to prevent thi...
    Graph Visualization 3 7 Stambler; Kulaga; Wuttke; Nishry; Mind; Atraylen; Horusavatar **Data on Aging** need to be **visualized** with an ``interactive`` and ``intuitive interface`` that enables ``collaborative reverse-engineering`` of the Aging process. It shall be a popular and interactive way of to convey a basic understanding of t...
    Information Theory 2 3 Stambler; Wuttke; Blokh Information theory is a field of applied mathematics, engineering and computer science that measures information. It originates from the finding of the fundamental limits on signal processing operations, such as compressing data, and on reliable s...
    Graph Visualization 3 7 Stambler; Kulaga; Wuttke; Nishry; Mind; Atraylen; Horusavatar **Data on Aging** need to be **visualized** with an ``interactive`` and ``intuitive interface`` that enables ``collaborative reverse-engineering`` of the Aging process. It shall be a popular and interactive way of to convey a basic understanding of t...
    • 12 collaborations


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