
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    Decreased Trp53 Decreased activity of Trp53 results in increased cancer and decreased apoptosis. Mouse
    Trp63 knockout Heterozygous Trp632 mutant mice have a shortened lifespan (by 21.5%) and display features of accelerated aging [16107615]. The decreased longevity in Trp63(+/-) mice is almost identical to that of Trp53(+/m) mice in which enhanced Trp53 activity provides resistance to spontaneous tumors while simultaneously accelerating aging [16107615]. Trp63(+/-) are not susceptible to spontaneous tumors [16107615]. Mouse -21.5
    p53 deletion mutation Mice heterozyogous for an allele of p53 that removes the 5' portion of the protein demonstrate decreased cancer, permature aging phenotypes, and shortened lifespan [11780111]. Mouse
    Fgf21 overexpression Overexpression of Fgf-21 increases the mean lifespan by 30% for male mice and 39% for female mice [23066506]. Mice overproducing Fgf21 are lean throughout their lives and remain lean even while eating slightly more than wild-type mice. Fgf21 overproducers tend to be smaller than wild-type mice and female mice were infertile. Although Fgf21 overproducers have significantly lower bone density than wild-type, Fgf21-abundant mice exhibit no ill effects from the reduced bone density and remain active into old age without any broken bones [23066506]. Mouse +30 to +39
    Ghr knockout Ghr knockouts (the so called Laron mice) are dwarfs with significantly extended lifespan by 40-50% [12933651]. Ghr-/- mice are significantly longer lived as Ghr+/+ or Ghr+/- mice (by 40-50%) in both females and males [10875265; 19370397]. 30% DR fails to affect overall survival, average or median long-lifespan of Growth hormone receptor knockout (GHRKO) mice and increased maximal lifespan only in females. Insulin sensitivity in GHRKO mutants is greater than in wild-type and is not further increased by DR [16682650]. Intermittent fasting also fails to extend the long lifespan of GHRKO mice [19747233]. Lifespan of mice with a deletion in the Ghr gene live almost 5 years [21123740]. In C57BL/6J this mutation increases life expectancy by 16 to 26% depending on gender [12933651] and in mice of mixed genetic background the increases amounted to 36-55% [9371826]. Serum levels of GH are elevated in mutant mice [9371826] and mutants are smaller than wild-type. IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 levels are also reduced in Ghr mutant mice [10875265]. The age-associated decline in memory retention is delayed in Ghr mutants [11336996]. Mouse +16 to +55
    super-Trp53 super-p53 mice generate by integrating a transgenic copy of a large genomic segment containing an intact and complete copy of p53 have an ehanced response to DNA damage, are significantly protected from cancer and had no indication of accelerated aging [12426394]. Mouse
    N-acetyl-serotonin administration N-acetyl-serotonin (a melatonin precursor) administrated with drinking water increases anti-oxidant capacity of the brain and prolongs the mean lifespan by 20% of males but not females [11462771]. Mouse 0 to +20
    ectopic Trp53 overexpression Mutant mice with activated Trp53 display enhanced resistance to spontaneous tumours and signs of premature ageing including reduced lifespan, osteoporosis, organ atrophy and a diminished stress tolerance [11780111]. Mouse
    Melatonin supplementation Melatonin administrated with drinking water increases anti-oxidant capacity of the brain and prolongs the mean lifespan by 20% of males but not females [11462771]. Mouse 0 to +20
    super-Ink4a/Arf super-Ink4a/Arf mice carrying a transgenic copy of a large genomic segment containing an intact and complete copy of the Cdkn2a (a.k.a. Ink4a/Arf) gene are significantly protected from cancer and had no indication of accelerated aging. Cells derived from super-Ink4a/Arf mice have increased resistance to in vitro immortalization and oncogenic transformation [15520276]. Mouse
    super-Ink4a/Arf/p53 super-Ink4a/Arf/p53 mice have a synergic protection against cancer and delayed aging [Workshop RoSyBa 2011]. Mouse
    Pten overexpression Increasing gene dosage via homogeneous and moderate overexpression, while retaining its normal pattern of tissue expression of Pten increases mean, median and maximum lifespan in both females and males. Mean lifespan is extended by 18% (males), 11% (females) and 14% (both). Median lifespan in males, females and both increases by 12%, 16% and 12%, respectively [22405073]. Transgenic Pten mice carrying the additional genomic copies of Pten are protected from cancer and present a significant extension of lifespan that is independent of their lower cancer incidence. Pten(g) mice have an increased energy expenditure and protection from metabolic pathologies [22405073]. Mouse +14 +12
    Whole-body Sirt1 deletion in the adulthood Whole-body deletion of Sirt1 in the adulthood results in mice which are seemingly normal in every way. When mice were given low doses of resveratrol after Sirt1 was disabled, there were no discernible improvement in mitochondrial function or any paramenter, while mice with normal Sirt1 function given reservatrol showed dramatic increases in energy, mitochondrial biogenesis and function, AMPK activation and increased NAD+ levels in skeletal muscle. When mice lacking Sirt1 were given low doses of reserveratrol, AMPK was unaffected. When doses were significantly increased in these mice, AMPK was activated in a SIRT1-indepent manner, but still no benefit to mitochondrial function resulted [22560220]. Mouse
    Rapamycin treatment Rapamcyin increases mouse lifespan and healthspan even when administrated late in life (20 months) [19587680]. Rapamycin enhances learning and memory in young mice and improves these faculties in old mice thereby negating the normal decline in these functions with age. Rapamycin boost levels of neurotransmitters associated with neural plasticity. Rapamycin also lowered anxiety and depressive-like behaviour at all ages from 4, 12 and 28 months. "Happy, feel-good" neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine are all significantly augmented in the midbrains of rapamycin treated mice []. Treatment with rapamycin increased lifespan and suppresses spontanous tumorgenesis in inbred female mice [22107964]. Mouse
    Trehalose treatment Treatment with trehalose reduces neurodegeneration in a transgenic mouse model of taupathy (human mutant P301S tau mouse. Neuronal survival is evaluated by trehalose. Trehalose induces autophagy in the brain, where the number of neurons containing tau inclusions is significantly reduced as well as the amount of insoluble tau protein and the protein levels of p62. However, trehalose fails to activate autophagy in the spinal cord, where it has no impact on the level of sarkosyl-insoluble tau. Trehalose has also no effect on the motor impairment of human mutant P301S tau transgenic mice [22689910]. Mouse
    Coq7 knockout Mice heterozygous in Coq7 live about 15 to 30% longer than controls [16195414]. Mouse +15 to +30
    Ercc2 mutation Mutations in Ercc2 increases cancer incidence and appear to accelerate ageing. Homozyogus mutation of Ercc2 results in an extreme shortening (71%) of lifespan (mean lifespan = 7 months) relative to wild-type (mean lifespan = 24 months) [de Boer et al. 2002]. The shortened lifespan of the mutant mouse is accompanied by symptoms of premature aging including osteoporosis, early greying, cahexia, and infertility. It provides a mouse model for the britte hair disorder trichothiodystrophy (TTD) as it phenotypes include britte hair, UV sensitivity, and developmental defects [9651581]. Mouse -71
    Dnmt gene therapy Injecting a virus that contains extra copies of a Dnmt into elderly mice restored their faulty memories to it oiriganal capacity of young ones. Halving the amount of Dnmt produced by younger mice, deteriotes their memory to that of non-treated older mice []. Mouse
    Tert overexpression Mice genetically modified to express telomerase lived 40% longer and do not develop cancer. Overexpression of Tert in mice engineered to be cancer-resistant by means of ehanced expression of p53, p16 and p19ARF (Sp53/Sp16/SARF/TgTERT) decreased telomere shortening with age, delayed aging and increases mean and median longevity by 40% [19013273]. Mouse +40 +40
    K5-Tert overxpression Overexpression of telomerase results in a high cancer incidence but also a modest mean (10%) and maximum lifespan extension accompanied by a lower incidence of some age-related degenerative diseases, in particular those related to kidney function and germline integrity [15688016]. Mouse +10
    Tert re-activation Re-activation of telomerase in a model of premature aging caused by accelerated telomere shortening (duo to telomerase deficiency) was enough to revert some age-associated phenotypes [21113150]. Mice lacking telomerase age more rapedely and died earlier, as an abundance of critically short telomeres developed. Reawakening of Tert, leads to disappearment of age-related symptoms and rejuvenation occurred in several organs including their brains []. Mouse
    Mir20a Overexpression Overexpression of MiR-20a in mouse embryonic fibroblasts induces senescence by lowering Lrf (a transcriptional repressor of the Mdm2 inhibitor p19ARF [15662416; 9529248]) protein levels and in turn increasing p19ARF levels [18596985]. Mouse
    Lamp2a expression restoration Maintaining the amount of the Lamp2a (in a double transgenic mice) specifically in the liver at levels found in young adults prevents age-dependent decrease in receptor abundance at the cellular and organ levels. In this mice CMA activity is maintained until advanced ages which results in preservation of the autophagic activity and is associated with lower intracellular accumulation of damaged proteins, better ability to handle protein damage and improved organ function [19115216; 18690243]. Lamp2a expression restored not only CMA but also macrophagy and proteasomal degradation to the level observed in young liver as well as youthful mitochondrial function and cellular ATP abundance and overall youthful liver functions [18776878]. Mouse
    Ctf1 knockout Absence of Ctf1 is associated with decreased arterial fibrosis, stiffness mad senescence and increased longevity. Ctf1-null mice have a decrease in arterial stiffness and decrease in levels of inflammatory, apoptotic and senescence, whereas telomere-linked and DNA repair proteins as well as antioxidant enzyme activities are increased. The median lifespan of Ctf1-null mice is increased by 5 month (18%) [23172930]. Wild-type and Ctf1-null mice exhibit an increase of senescence markers (p53, Mdm2, p21, and p16) with age but are lower in Ctf1-null mice. Ctf1-null mice have a diminished vascular NFκB signaling, lower inflammation and oxidative stress and reduced senescence. Ctf1-null mice have a 12% increase in body weight, 130% increased adiponectin levels and 51% decreased leptin concentrations [23172930]. Mouse +18
    HNRNPD deletion HNRNPD deletion leads to accelerated aging as evidenced by strinking telomere erosion, markedly increased DNA damage repsosne at telomere ends, pronounced cellular senescence and rapid premature aging that increases with successive generations [Pont et al., 2012]. Mouse
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.