
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    atf1 deletion Deleting atf1 cancels out DR-mediated chronological lifespan extension and enhanced heat stress resistance[20075862].
    BMH1 deletion Deleting BMH1 extends chronological lifespan by 25% and is associated with activated stress response, decreased ROS levels and increased heat-shock-element-driven transcription activity. BMH1 deletion was non-additive with the genetic DR mimetic cdc25 and tor1. Water starvation (a form of extreme DR) extends chronological lifespan of BMH1 mutant even more as it does in wild-type [19805817]. Yeast +25
    LAT1 deletion Deleting LAT1 abolishes replicative lifespan extension induced by 0.5% and 0.05% glucose restriction [17200108]. Yeast
    SNF4 deletion Deleting SNF4 extends replicative lifespan by 10-20% in S288C strain [10921902]. Yeast +10 t +20
    sty1 deletion Deleting sty1 cancels out chronological lifespan extension and enhanced heat stress resistance by DR [20075862].
    YHB1 deletion Deleting YHB1 partially abolished DR-induced replicative lifespan extension, whereas deleting SFA1 alone had no effect. sfa1;yhb1 double mutant cancels out the ability of moderate DR to extend replicative lifespan, but not chronological lifespan. Yhb1 and Sfa1 may play redundant roles [21584246]. Yeast
    YKU70 deletion Deletion fo YKU70 shortens lifespan, but does not accelerate the normal aging process [10521401]. YKU70 null mutants are defective for non-homologous end-joining [8754818] and for telomeric silencing [9635192]. Yeast
    RAD52 deletion Deletion in RAD52 causes a 75% reduction in mean replicative lifespan in PSY316 strain [10207108]. Similiar reduction of lifespan occurs in strains W3031-A and W303R [M. Baeberlein, M. McVey, and L. Guarente, unpublished]. RAD51 is required for formation of extrachromosomal rDNA circles [10207108], but not for replication fork pasuing nor DNA breakage with the rDNA [10693764]. Yeast -75
    RAS1 deletion Deletion in RAS1 increases mean (23%) and maximum (29%) replicative lifespan (in SP1) [8034612]. RAS1 deletion increases replicative lifespan by 15% in the alpha strain [19030232]. However, deletion of RAS1 slightly shortens chronological lifespan (in SP1) [12586694]. Yeast +15 to +23 +29
    PAN2 deletion Deletion mutant of PAN2 live approximately as long as wild-type under starvation/extreme DR [20657825]. Yeast
    ACO1 deletion Deletion of ACO1 decreases mean chronological lifespan by 42 - 56% in diploid cells [21447998]. Yeast -42 to -56
    AGP1 deletion Deletion of AGP1 extends chronological lifespan [16418483]. Yeast
    AKR1 deletion Deletion of AKR1 decreases replicative lifespan by 40% in the alpha strain [18340043]. Replicative lifespan decreased by 50% in the alpha strain [19030232]. Yeast -40 to -50
    ANS1 deletion Deletion of ANS1 decreases replicative lifespan by 25% in the alpha strain [19030232]. Yeast -25
    ARP1 deletion Deletion of ARP1 decreases replicative lifespan by 40% in the alpha strain [18340043; 19030232]. Yeast -40
    ATG15 deletion Deletion of ATG15 does not affect the lifespan significantly on AL, while DR shortens replicative lifespan of ATG15 deletion mutant by 28% [18690010]. Yeast
    ATH1 deletion Deletion of ATH1 extend the mean chronological lifespan by 17% (at 30 degree Celsus in BY4742) [22783207]. ATH1 mutants have higher trehalose levels until the end of the post-diauxic growth phase, but reaches a plateau at the level of 50-70% of wild-type in the stationary phase [22783207]. Yeast +17
    ATP1 deletion Deletion of ATP1 increases chronological lifespan by up to 50% [17492370], but decreases replicative lifespan by 70% in the alpha strain [18340043]. Yeast -70 to +50
    AVO2 deletion Deletion of AVO2 extends chronological lifespan [21641548]. Yeast
    AVT1 deletion Deletion of AVT1 accelerates the development of age-induced mitochondrial dysfunction without effecting the kinetics of vacuolar acidity decline and prevents the suppression of mitochondrial dysfunction by VMA1 and VPH2 overexpression without affecting vacuolar acidity. AVT1 deletion decreases mean, median and maximum lifespan by 21, 22, and 12%, respectively [23172144]. Yeast -20.6 -22.4 -11.8
    BAS1 deletion Deletion of BAS1 increases replicative lifespan by 30% in the alpha strain [16293764; 19030232]. Yeast +30
    BNA6 deletion Deletion of BNA6 (alias QPT1) has no effect on replicative lifespan and is not required for lifespan extension by DR, but is lethal with mutation of NPT1 [11000115]. Deletion of BNA6 decreases chronological lifespan [17110466]. Yeast
    BRE5 deletion Deletion of BRE5 increases mean replicative lifespan by 30% [16293764] and mean chronological lifespan in diploid cells [21447998] Yeast +30
    BUL1 deletion Deletion of BUL1 does non-significantly reduces mean chronological lifespan under starvation/extreme DR [20657825]. Yeast
    CAT5 deletion Deletion of CAT5 decreases chronological lifespan by up to 50% [17492370] and also decreases replicative lifespan by 30% in the alpha strain [18340043]. Yeast -30 to -50
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.