
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    Ascrobate treatment Hypersensitivity to oxygene and significantly decreased replicative lifespan of SOD1 deletion can be ameliorated by exogenous ascorbate. If acorbate's negative effects of auto-oxidation are prevented by exchange of medium, ascorbate prolongs mean and maximum replicative lifespan in the atmosphere of air and pure oxygene [15621721]. Yeast
    Icariin treatment Icariin and its derivate icariside II extend lifespan. Animals treated with icariin have high levels of icariside II [22216122]. Worm
    Icariside II treatment Icariside II and its derivate icarrin extend lifespan. Animals treated with icariin have high levels of icariside II. Icariside II also increases thermo and oxidative stress tolerance, slow locomotion decline in late adulthood and delay the onset of paralysis mediated by polyQ and ABeta(1-42) proteotoxicity. Lifespan extension by Icariside II is dependent on IIS, since daf-16(mu86) and daf-2(e1370) fails to sho exhibit lifespan extension upon icariside treatment. Incariside II treatment upregulates expression of DAF-16 targets in wild-type. HSF-1 has also a role in icariside II-dependent lifespan extension [22216122]. Worm
    Diabenol treatment In female NMRI and transgenic HER-2/neu mice supplementation of diabenol with drinking water 5 times a week since the age of 2 months, increases survival and inhibits spontaneous carcinogenesis. In NMRI diabenol does not influence body weight gain dynamics, food and water consumption, but slowed down age-related disturbances in estrous function and increases the lifespan of all and 10% most long-living ones. Diabenol treatment in NMRI mice also inhibits spontaneous tumor incidence (mammary and lymphomas mainly) and increases mammary tumor latency. Diabenol treatment slows down age-related changes in estrous function in HER-2/neu mice, but fails to influence survival and slightly inhibited the incidence and decrease the size of mammary adenocarcinoma metastasis into the lung [15754958]. Mouse
    Metformin treatment In fruit fly feeding metformin to adult s results in robust AMPK activation and reduces lipid stores, but does not increase lifespan in either males or females. Administration of high concentration are even toxic [23077661]. Fly
    Curcumin treatment In fruit fly, 0.5 an 1.0 mg/g curcumin in the diet increases mean lifespan by 6.2 and 25% in females and by 15.5 and 12.6 in males, respectively. Lifespan extension by curcumin was associated with the increased superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, upregulation of Ms-SOD and CuZn-SOD genes, and the downregulation of *dInR*, *ATTD*, *Def*, *CecB* and, *DptB* genes as well as reduction of lipofuscin, malondialdehyde and lipid peroxidation [22653297; 23325575]. Curcumin prolongs life and enhances activity of fruit fly Alzheimer diseased flies [22348084]. Fly +6.2 to +25
    Black rice extract supplementation In fruit fly, 30 mg/ml black rice extract prolonges mean lifespan by 14% which is accompanied with mRNA up-regulation of SOD1, SOD2, CAT and Rpn11 Rpn11 and with downregulation of Mth [22930061]. Fly +14
    THC treatment In male mice supplementation with tetrahydrocurcumin beginning at the age of 13 month increases the mean lifespan by an average of 84 days, i.e. an increase of 11.7% [17516143]. Mouse +11.7
    Metformin treatment In rats metformine treatment reduces body weight significantly (despite similar food intake) but fails to significantly extend the lifespan at any quantile (25th, 50th, 75th, or 90th), overall or maximum lifespan (p > 0.05) [20304770]. Rat
    Intermittent fasting Intemittent fasting diet increases survivorship and improves insuli sensitivity of normal males, but fails to affect either parameter in GHRKO mice [19747233]. Mouse
    L-proline supplementation L-proline supplementation increases lifespan by 5.8 and 13.6% (mean and maximum lifespan) [22482728]. Worm +6 +14
    LA treatment LA confers a memory effect, by fixing the lifespan of previous feeding regimen. When animals are switched early in life (12 months) from DR to AL and supplemented with α-lipoic acid the DR typical lifespan extension is maintained, but switching early from AL supplemented with α-lipoic acid to DR blocks the lifespan extending effect [18486188]. LA exhibits the ability to compensate for age-related, long-term memory deficits in old rats [8309958]. Rat
    High fat diet Lifelong feeding of a high-fat diet markedly reduces lifespan of mice by about 20% for both mean and maximum lifespan [22509016]. Mouse -20 -20
    Melatonin supplementation Melatonin administrated with drinking water increases anti-oxidant capacity of the brain and prolongs the mean lifespan by 20% of males but not females [11462771]. Mouse 0 to +20
    Metformin treatment Metformin treatment extends healthspan, slows lipofuscin accumulation, extends mean lifespan and prolongs healthful locomotory ability in a dose-dependent manner as well as reduces fecundity. AMPK and its activating kinase LKB1 are essential for these health benefits. Oxidative stress-responsive transcription factor SKN-1/Nrf2 is essential for metformin-confered healthspan too as it must be expressed in both neurons and intestines [20090912]. Worm
    Mianserin Treatment Mianserin a serotonin receptor antagonist (used as antidepressant in humans), can increase C. elegans lifespan when given only during adulthood. Lifespan extension is reduced or abolished by mutations that affect serontonin synthesis or serotonin reuptakte at synapses [14,16]. It requires a serontonin receptor and an octopamine receptor which are both inhibited by Mianserin. Mianserin plus DR increase lifespan only by 4% more than DR alone and totally failed to extend lifepan in eat-2(ad1116) mutants. However, mianserin does not appear to reduce food intake [14]. On average, mianserin increases lifespan by 31% by an optimal dose of 50 micromolar, but had little or no effect when given at 250 micromolar. Mianserin failes to increase the lifepsna of mutants lacking serotonin synthesis enzyme TPH-1 and causes a lifespan increase of only 13% in mutant lacking serontin reuptake transporter MOD-5. Mianserin does not increase lifepan of SER-4 or SER-4 mutants. Mianserin increases lifespan by31% when given throughout adulthood, but it only result in 10% lifespan extension when it was gieven beginning at adult day 5. Mianserin also failed to increase lifespan in liquid lifespan assay and in animals grown on solid agarose plates lacking ill-defined component of commoly used agar plates (agar and Bacto peptone). Mianserin increases lifespan of animlas grown at 20 but not at 25 degree Celsius [19686215]. Worm
    Moderate DR Moderate DR is the restriction of glucose concentration from 2% (*ad libitum*) to 0.5%, which extends the mean, median and maximum replicative lifespan by 45 - 52%, 43 - 50% and 50 - 52%, respectively [23172144] Moderate DR increases vacuolar acidity in young cells and prevents the decline of vacuolar acidity in aging cells. DR also suppresses mitochondrial dysfunciton of aged cells (21 divisions) in a V-ATPase-dependent manner [23172144]. Constitutively activating PKA signaling by deleting the Ras GTPase-activating protein IRA2 reduces vacuolar acidity and accelerates the development of mitochondrial dysfunction in aging cells and prevents DR-mediated enhancement of vacuolar acidity and suppression of mitochondrial dysfunction [23172144]. Lifespan extension by DR is prevented in a strain lacking V-ATPase activity [23172144]. Yeast +45.2 to +51.7 +42.9 to +50.0 +50.0 to +52.0
    N-acetyl-serotonin administration N-acetyl-serotonin (a melatonin precursor) administrated with drinking water increases anti-oxidant capacity of the brain and prolongs the mean lifespan by 20% of males but not females [11462771]. Mouse 0 to +20
    Oligomycin treatment Oligomycin (a specific inhibitor of complex V) feeding exends lifespan on ad libitum and prevents an increase in longevity under DR (started in the adulthood) in males [19968629]. Fly
    C60-olive oil treatment Oral administration of C60 dissolved in olive oil (0.8 mg/ml) at reiterated doses (1.7 mg/kg of body weight) for just about 7 months to rats not only does not entail chronic toxicity but it almost doubles the lifespan. The effects on lifespan is mainly due to the attenuation of age-associated increases in oxidative stress. Dissolved C60 is absorbed by the gastro-intestinal tract and eliminated in a few tens of hours [22498298]. C60-olive oil can increase the mean, median and maximum lifespan by 114, 91 and 74%. C60-olive oil extends the lifespan of animals with a probability of 0.999 and 0.995 with respect to water and olive oil treatments, respectively [22498298]. The GSSG/GSH ratio of animals treated by C60-oil is significantly less (about twice as less) as compared to controls [22498298]. Rat +113.8 +90.9 +73.7
    Olive oil treatment Oral treatment with Olive oil (at the age of 10 month for 7 months) increases mean, median and maximum lifespan by 41, 18 and 53%, respectively. Olive oil extends the lifespan with a probability of 0.99 [22498298]. Rat +41.4 +18.2 +52.6
    Pinitol supplementation Pinitol (a 3-methoxy analogue of D-chiro-inositol) supplementation to the diet. For both males and females, a 20 microMolar dose of pinitol significantly extends median lifespan by 13% (p < 0.05) and 12.5% (p < 0.05), respectively. Lifespan extension by pinitol is accompanied by protection against oxidative and starvation stresses, improvement in health span, and no reduction in fecundity. Pinitol increases organismal lifespan of both in dietary restriction and ad libitum conditions. Nuclear localization of foxo increases in pinitol-fed animals. Pinitol treatment significantly activates JNK and S6K, but not AKT [22843669]. Fly +12.5 to +13
    Eleutherococcus senticosus treatment Plant adaptogen Eleutherococcus senticosus (SHE-3; alias Acantopanax senticosus) increase stress resistance and mean lifespan in a dose-dependent manner. 250 microgram/ml SHE-3 signinifanclty increases lifespan between 10 and 20% 9 (P < 0.001), increase maximum lifepsan with 2-3 days and pospones the moment when the first individuals die. With higher concentrations, the effect is weakerm wheras at the highest concentrations (2500 microgram/mL) a lifespan shortenening effect of 15-25% (P < 0.001) occurs. Treatment with SHE-3 induces translocation of DAF-16 and activation of HSP-16 [18536978]. Worm +10 to +20
    Rhodiola rosea treatment Plant adaptogen Rhodiola rosea (SHE-5) increase stress resistance and mean lifespan in a dose-dependent manner. 10-25 microgram/ml SHE-5 signinifanclty increases lifespan between 10 and 20% 9 (P < 0.001), increase maximum lifepsan with 2-3 days and pospones the moment when the first individuals die. With higher concentrations, the effect is weaker whereas at the highest concentrations (250 microgram/mL) a lifespan shortenening effect of 15-25% (P < 0.001) occurs. Treatment with SHE-5 induces translocation of DAF-16 and activation of HSP-16 [18536978]. Worm +10 to +20
    Propargylglycine treatment Propargylglycine (PPG) inhibits gamma-cystathioinase, the second enzyme of the trans-sulfuration pathway (TSP). PPG is a specific suicidal inhibitor of gamma-cystathionase. Gluthatione (GSH) levels are decreased by PPG administration in flies subjected to DR, whereas there is no effect on fully fed animals. PPG robustly suppresses DR lifespan extension, while longevity of fully fed flies is not affected in different strains. Thus, indicating that the effect of PPG is specific to DR. PPG abrogates changes in lifespan that are normally observed when flies are maintained in different dietary concentrations and compositions [21930912]. Fly
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.