
  • Species: + -
  • name effect species mean median maximum
    Hsp22 transposition Animals that do not express Hsp22 (due to a transposition into its transcriptional starting site) have a 40% decrease in lifespan, exhibit a 30% decrease in locomotor activity and are sensitive to mild stress [20036725]. Fly -40
    Homozygous chico mutation Mutation in chico extends mean, median, and maximum lifespan by 56%, 48%, and 42% in homozygotes. chico mutation produces dwarf, long-lived females at normal nutrition [11292874]. Wild-type and chico mutant females have similar peak lifespan under DR, but the food concentration at which these are achieved is shifted to higher amounts. chico mutation induces a state equivalent to submaximal, DR-induced slowing of aging [11951037]. Male chico homozygous have a shortened lifespan [11292874]. Female chico homozygous recessive mutants are sterile [11292874]. Fly +56 +48 +42
    Heterzygous chico mutation Mutation in chico extends mean, median and maximum lifespan by 44%, 36% and 35% in heterozygotes. chico mutation produces dwarf, long-lived females at normal nutrition [11292874]. Wild-type and chico mutant females have similar peak lifespan under DR, but the food concentration at which these are achieved is shifted to higher amounts. chico mutation induces a state equivalent to submaximal, DR-induced slowing of aging [11951037]. Male chico heterozygous live 13% longer than wild-type [11292874]. chico heterzoygous females have a reduced fecundity. chico heterozygous mutants are resistant to starvation but not oxidative stress or temperature stress [11292874]. Fly +44 +36 +35
    Heterzygous Rpd3 null mutation Males heterozygous for a null mutation of Rpd3 have a lifespan extension of 41 - 47%. Females carrying a null mutation have only modest increase in maximum lifespan (but not median lifespan). Longevity increases to the same extent in wild-type under low-calorie diet and rpd3 mutants fed normal diet. DR fails to further increase lifespan of rpd3 mutants [12459580]. Fly +41 to +47
    Dominant negative Tor Expression of a dominant-negative form of Tor extends lifespan [15186745]. Ubiquitious overexpression of dTOR with the da-GAL4 driver of UAS-dTOR(FRB) which contains the 11kDA FKB12-rapamycin binding domain led to a mean and maximum lifespan increase of 15% (24%) and 29% at 29°C and of 50% (26%) and 13% at 25°C, respectively [15186745]. Overexpression of the dominant-negative form of Tor specifically in the fat and muscle tissues is sufficient to extend the mean and maximum lifespan by 24 and 19%, respectively [15186745]. Overexpression of UAS-dTOR(WT) or UAS-dTOR(TED) prevents eclosion to adulthood [15186745]. Fly +15 to +50 +13 to +29
    Akt1 mutation Akt1 homozygotous have a significantly decreased lifespan [11292874]. Heterozygous Akt1 animals form dwarfs [11292874]. Fly
    Atg7 knockout Knockouts of Atg7 are short-lived with a 30% reduction in maximum lifespan and are hypersensitive to nutrient and oxidative stress [18056421; 19550147]. Fly -30
    puc mutation Heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in puc (either pucA241.1 or pucE69) significantly extend median and maximum lifespan and increase resistance to oxidative stress. Heterzyogosity for puc only modestly extends lifespan in animals carrying a hypomorphic allele of the JNK kinase hep [14602080]. puc heterzyogotes do not differ signficantly from wild-type for body size, reproductive activity or developmental timing, but exhibit increased resistance to oxidative stress and starvation [14602080]. Fly
    Sod knockout Sod knockout blunts the lifespan extension by a high sugar-low protein diet, but not a low-calorie diet [22672579]. Fly
    Ilp3 mutation Ilp3 null mutants have a normal lifespan under AL and a normal DR response. Ilp2 Ilp3 Ilp5 triple null mutants fail to have a normal response to DR. Their response is right shifted, with mutants being shorter-lived compared to wild-type on low but longer-lived on high yeast concentrations [20195512]. Fly
    Ilp5 mutation Abundance of Ilp5 mRNA is reduced under DR. Ilp5 null mutants have a normal lifespan under AL and a normal DR response. Ilp2 Ilp3 Ilp5 triple null mutants fail to have a normal response to DR. Their response is right shifted, with mutants being shorter-lived compared to wild-type on low but longer-lived on high yeast concentrations [20195512]. Fly
    Ilp2 mutation Ilp2 null mutants are significant longer-lived with a 8-13% longer median lifespan [20195512]. Fly +8 to +13
    foxo mutation foxo null mutants are highly and significantly shorter-lived than wild-type on all food dilutions apart from 0.1 SY and under starvation. foxo null mutants are not more sensitive to starvation than wild-type [18241326]. Fly
    Sir2 mutation A decrease in Sir2 (alias dSir2) blocks the life-extending effect of caloric reduction or rpd3 mutations [15520384]. Sir2 mutation does not reduce lifespan under AL [15520384]. Fly
    Mnt Mutation A dMnt null allele results in flies with larger cells, increased weight, and decreased lifespan [16055719]. Fly
    Orco mutation Loss-of-function mutation in Orco (alias Or83b) results in olfactory defects, altered adult metabolism, enhanced stress resistance, and life-extension. Fully fed female homozygous Or83b null mutants exhibit a 56% increase in median lifespan and a 30% increase in maximum lifespan. Males are also significantly longer-lived, though to a smaller degree and maximum lifespan is not extended. Heterozygous mutants of both sexes show an intermediate longevity. Lifespan of homozygous Or83b null mutants is further increased by DR, but the relative increase in median and mean longevity is significantly greater when mutants were maintained in well-fed conditions [17272684]. Fly +56 +30
    rho-7 knockout rho-7 knockout flies have severe neurological defects and a much reduced lifespan [16713954]. Fly
    Bmcp knockout Bmcp knockout flies live longer on low-calorie diets, have a decreased fertility, and gain less weight on high-calorie diets. Bmcp (ucp5) knockout mutants live longer than wild-type on low-calorie diets, but no longer on starvation or high-calorie diets. Ectopic neuronal expression of Bmcp transgene rescues starvation sensitive phenotype of Bmcp knockout mutants [16387864]. Fly
    • 18 interventions
    Interventions are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.