
We need to know every factor which determines lifespan.

Lifespan factors often but not always originate from defined genetic elements. They are not just genes, by definition they can be anything for which a Classifications schema can be build for that is related to the regulation of lifespan, such entities may include Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism, transcript variants, proteins and their complexes, compounds (i.e. small molecules like metabolites and drugs), etc. A factor should be based on a defined molecular entity or genomic position and been classified. It shall be highly flexible and scalable Concept.

While individual lifespan factors within each species or precise defined molecular entities will be captured within the Lifespan App, Data Entries of the Data App may summarize for instance the relevance of each factor class (e.g. homologous group; chemical derivate of related structure and properties, etc.) as well as draw overall conclusions. o


  • Species: + -
  • symbol name observation species
    CG12016 CG12016 exhibits a non-coding region difference unique to animals under experimental evolution selected for longevity and is differentially expressed in head of animals that were selected for longevity [23106705]. Fruit fly
    CG12090 CG12090 exhibits a non-coding region difference unique to animals under experimental evolution selected for longevity and is differentially expressed in head of animals that were selected for longevity [23106705]. Fruit fly
    CG12576 CG12576 exhibits a non-coding region difference unique to animals under experimental evolution selected for longevity and it is differentially expressed in head of animals that were selected for longevity [23106705]. Fruit fly
    CG13306 CG13306 exhibits a coding region difference unique to animals under experimental evolution selected for longevity [23106705]. Fruit fly
    CG13890 Overexpression of CG13890 (DCI) throughout the whole body increases mean and median lifespan by 35 and 31%, but decreases maximum lifespan by 6%, increases stress resistant (to paraquat and starvation), consistently reduces the mortality rate across adult ages and reduces the lifespan extension of DR by 15% [22997544]. CG6783 overexpression increases the dFOXO nuclear localization in the fat-body. mRNA levels of dFOXO target genes l(2)efl and 4E-BP in the adult whole bodies increases in response to overexpression of CG6783 [22997544]. Fruit fly
    CG13917 CG13917 exhibits a non-coding region difference unique to animals under experimental evolution selected for longevity and is differentially expressed in head of animals that were selected for longevity [23106705]. Fruit fly
    CG16711 CG16711 exhibits a non-coding region difference unique to animals under experimental evolution selected for longevity and it is differentially expressed in head of animals that were selected for longevity [23106705]. Fruit fly
    CG16718 CG16718 exhibits a non-coding region difference unique to animals under experimental evolution selected for longevity and it is differentially expressed in abdomen of animals that were selected for longevity [23106705]. Fruit fly
    CG17856 RNAi of CG17856 results in an increase in mean lifespan of 13-18% in females. In the case of males and post-developmental experiments the results are variable [19747824]. Fruit fly
    CG18809 RNAi of CG18809 results in a 7-19% increase in mean lifespan of females, while neural RNAi results in an increased mean lifespan of up to 12% in females. For males the results are variable [19747824]. Fruit fly
    CG30427 Overexpression of CG30427 in males increases mean lifespan by 18% [22366109]. Fruit fly
    CG32022 CG32022 exhibits a non-coding region difference unique to animals under experimental evolution selected for longevity and it is differentially expressed in head of animals that were selected for longevity [23106705]. Fruit fly
    CG33138 Overexpression of CG33138 in males increased mean lifespan by 11% [22366109]. Fruit fly
    CG34243 CG34243 exhibits a non-coding region difference unique to animals under experimental evolution selected for longevity and it is differentially expressed in head of animals that were selected for longevity [23106705]. Fruit fly
    CG34426 CG34426 exhibits a coding region difference unique to animals under experimental evolution selected for longevity [23106705]. Fruit fly
    CG3776 Both overexpression and underexpression of CG3776 (alias Jhebp29) reduces the mean lifespan, where the reduction in males is slightly higher. The lifespan of male flies with under- and overexpressed CG3776 is reduced by 38.8 and 42.6%, respectively when compared with Oregon R flies.The lifespan of female flies with under- and overexpressed CG3776 is reduced by 31.6 and 35%, respectively when compared to Oregon R flies. Among the males and females, relatively to Oregon R and EP835/CyO, the age-specific survival of EP835/EP835 and EP835/Gal4 is reduced in both log-rank and Wilcoxon tests (P < 0.001); survival of EP835/EP835 and EP835/Gal4 differed using the log-rank-test (male: P<0.001; female: P=0.027) [18275960]. Fruit fly
    CG42663 Odorant-binding protein 49a Overexpression of CG42663 in males increases mean and maximum lifespan by 18% and 7% [22366109]. Fruit fly
    CG4389 CG4389 gene product from transcript CG4389-RA Muscle specific RNAi knockdown of CG489 which reduces its mRNA levels by 25-35%, significantly reduces the DR-dependent lifespan extension. CG4389 RNAi animals exhibit only 20% increase while controls display an lifespan increase by 123% upon DR [22768842]. Fruit fly
    CG4726 CG4726 exhibits a coding region difference unique to animals under experimental evolution selected for longevity [23106705]. Fruit fly
    CG4942 CG4942 exhibits a non-coding region difference unique to animals under experimental evolution selected for longevity and it is differentially expressed in head of animals that were selected for longevity [23106705]. Fruit fly
    CG5194 CG5194 exhibits a coding region difference unique to animals under experimental evolution selected for longevity [23106705]. Fruit fly
    CG5389 RNAi of complex V subunit CG5389 results in increased mean longevity under standard laboratory food conditions (3% yeast) in males. RNAi started from the development results in a mild lifespan increase in both sexes (3-11% in females and 3-8% in males). Post-developmental RNAi and silencing limited to neurons has variable effects with reduction in lifespan of up to 9% [19747824]. Under rich media conditions CG5389 knockdown throughout development and adulthood increases mean lifespan by 26% and abolished the lifespan extension by DR (started in the adulthood) in males. Suppression of CG5389 only during the adulthood either via RNAi by tub-GS or via oligomycin (a specific inhibitor of complex V) feeding prevents an increase in longevity under DR (started in the adulthood) in males [19968629]. Fruit fly
    CG6041 CG6041 exhibits a coding region difference unique to animals under experimental evolution selected for longevity [23106705]. Fruit fly
    CG6048 CG6048 exhibits a coding region difference unique to animals under experimental evolution selected for longevity [23106705]. Fruit fly
    CG6184 CG6184 exhibits a non-coding region difference unique to animals under experimental evolution selected for longevity and it is differentially expressed in head of animals that were selected for longevity [23106705]. Fruit fly
    Factors are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.

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