
We need to know every factor which determines lifespan.

Lifespan factors often but not always originate from defined genetic elements. They are not just genes, by definition they can be anything for which a Classifications schema can be build for that is related to the regulation of lifespan, such entities may include Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism, transcript variants, proteins and their complexes, compounds (i.e. small molecules like metabolites and drugs), etc. A factor should be based on a defined molecular entity or genomic position and been classified. It shall be highly flexible and scalable Concept.

While individual lifespan factors within each species or precise defined molecular entities will be captured within the Lifespan App, Data Entries of the Data App may summarize for instance the relevance of each factor class (e.g. homologous group; chemical derivate of related structure and properties, etc.) as well as draw overall conclusions. o


  • symbol name observation species
    14-3-3epsilon CG31196 gene product from transcript CG31196-RA Loss of 14-3-3ε results in increased stress-induced apoptosis, growth repression and extended lifespan of flies, in a foxo-dependent manner. Mean lifespan of males and females is increased by 25% and 49%, respectively. Increased 14-3-3ε expression also reverts foxo-induced growth defects. No effect of lifespan is observed when overexpressing 14-3-3ε in adipose tissue, indicating that endogenous foxo activity in this tissue is low under normal conditions [18665908]. Fruit fly
    aat-8 Amino Acid Transporter 8 RNA interference of aat-8 increases mean lifespan by 30% [17608836]. Nematode
    abcx-1 ABC transporter, eXtended 1 RNA interferenceof abcx-1 in adulthood extends mean lifespan by 16% [17521386]. Nematode
    acl-11 ACyLtransferase-like 11 RNA interference of acl-11 leads to lifespan extension [12447374]. Nematode
    aco-2 ACOnitase RNA interference of aco-2 leads to lifespan extension [15998808]. Nematode
    acs-5 fatty Acid CoA Synthetase family 5 RNA interference of acs-5 increases mean lifespan by 52% [17608836]. Nematode
    Adcy5 adenylate cyclase 5 Adcy5 knockout mice are to cardiac stress and have an increased median lifespan of 30% as well as an increased maximal lifespan of 12%. Further, they are also protected from age-related reduced bone density and susceptibility to fractures, and reduced cardiac function [17662940]. House mouse
    ADE4 ADEnine requiring 4 ade4 mutation extends chronological lifespan, but not replicative lifespan, and is non-additive with 0.5% glucose or amino-acid DR on chronological lifespan extension. ADE4 deletion in atg16 mutants results only in a partial extension of the chronological lifespan by 0.5% glucose DR [20421943]. Budding yeast
    AFG3 ATPase Family Gene 3 Deletion of the mitochondrial AAA protease AFG3 increases replicative lifespan by 20% in the alpha and a strains [18340043], but decreases chronological lifespan by 37 - 51% in diploid cells [21447998]. AFG3 deletion changes mean, median and maximum lifespan by 15 to 26% 17 to 30% and -25 to +58%, respectively. AFG3 deletion leads to reduced cytoplasmic mRNA translation and its lifespan extension is independent of Sir2 and Hac1, but requires Gcn4. AFG3 deletion further extends the lifespan of cell deficient in both SIR2 and FOB1, but fails to extend the lifespan of dietary restricted cells or cells lacking GCN4. Gcn4 protein levels are increased in afg3 mutants. The deletion of AFG3 fails to extend the replicative lifespan in the W303AR strain. AFG3 deletion does deletion extend the replicative lifespan at 15°C. Budding yeast
    AFUA_1G13190 copper-activated transcription factor GRISEA In Grisea (AFUA_1G13190) loss of function mutants, senescence is delayed two-fold [8804410]. Grisea disruption extends mean and maximum lifespan by 195 and 210% [17173038]. Grisea mutant has altered norphology and defects in formation of female gametangia [9380708]. Podospora anserine
    age-1 AGEing alteration 1 Recessive knockout mutants of age-1 have a 40-65% increase in mean lifespan and a 65-110% increase in maximum lifespan [8608934; 8700226]. age-1(mg44) zygotic null mutants have a mean (99%) and maximum (117%) lifespan extension [18828672]. Even in axenic culture lifespan of age-1 is extended up to 100%. age-1 mutation significantly extends lifespan under AL, but only slightly under sDR [16720740]. RNAi against age-1 extends lifespan by 30% [8700226; 8608934]. age-1 RNAi increases mean and maximum lifespan by 36-46% and 48-50% [12447374]. RNAi against age-1 increases mean lifespan by 83% [18828672]. age-1 mutants are dauer constitutive [8056303] and display lower brood size as well as increased embryonic lethality [9504918]. Additionally, age-1 mutants have elevated levels of superoxidase dismutase and catalase activities [8389142]. age-1 RNAi and mutation extend lifespan by 30% and 100%, respectively [8700226; 8608934]. Nematode
    age-2 Homocygous age-2 mutation increases mean (+43%, +31%, +38%) and maximum (+29%, +36%, +18%)) lifespan by about 20%. age-2 mutant exhibit normal motility, slightly higher swimming rates, reduced fertility and somewhat longer development times and slightly larger size at the first egg laying. Lifespan is extended by reducing the initial mortality rate. age-2 mutation complements other aging gene mutations such as age-1, daf-2, spe-26, clk-1, clk-3 and gro-1. A age-1 age-2 double mutant lives longer than animals with individual mutations and exhibits a longer lifespan at 25 degree Celsius than at 20 degree Celsius [10219000]. Nematode
    AGP1 high-Affinity Glutamine Permease 1 Deletion of AGP1 extends chronological lifespan [16418483]. Budding yeast
    AIM4 Altered Inheritance rate of Mi 4 AIM4 (alias SOY1) deletion increases chronological and replication lifespan, which is non-additive with DR. On AL mean and maximum replicative lifespan are extended by 63 and 69%, respectively. DR appears to decrease aim4-induced replication lifespan extension, indicating a negative interaction. aim4 mutation does not change DR-induced chronological lifespan extension [21584246]. Budding yeast
    akt-1 AKT kinase family 1 RNA interference of akt-1 leads to lifespan extension [15998808]. Nematode
    alpha-Man-I alpha Mannosidase I alpha-Man-I mutant fly exhibit enhanced resistance to paraquat and starvation an a 60% increase in mean lifespan for both sexes. After outcrossing, the mutant exhibit, under normal conditions, an increase in mean lifespan of 22% for females and 38% for males. Maximum lifespan is increased by 15%. alpha-Man-I RNAi knockdown results in a 39% increase in mean lifespan [19302370]. Fruit fly
    amt-2 AMmonium Transporter homolog 2 RNA interference of amt-2 increases mean lifespan by 20% [17608836]. Nematode
    ant-1.1 Adenine Nucleotide Translocator 1.1 RNA interference of ant-1.1 increases mean lifespan by 40% [17608836]. Nematode
    aPKC atypical protein kinase C Insertion of a P-based vectors in the structural part of aPKC increase male and female lifespan [22661237]. Fruit fly
    aps-1 AdaPtin, Small chain (clathrin associated complex) 1 aps-1 RNAi in the adulthood extends mean lifespan by 8% without any apparent effect on maximum lifespan [23144747]. Nematode
    asb-1 ATP Synthase B homolog asb-1 RNAi in the adulthood extends the mean lifespan by 7% without changing the maximum lifespan [23144747]. Nematode
    asb-2 ATP Synthase B homolog 2 RNA interference of abs-2 leads to lifespan extension [16103914]. Nematode
    asg-1 ATP Synthase G homolog 1 RNA interference of asg-1 leads to lifespan extension [15998808]. Nematode
    asg-2 ATP synthase subunit 2 Knockout mutations in asg-2 result in developmental arrest and increased lifespan [11410594]. Nematode
    asm-3 Acid SphingoMyelinase 3 RNA interference of asm-3 increases mean lifespan by 50% [17608836]. Nematode
    • Page 1 of 19
    • 25 of 455 factors
    Factors are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.

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