
We need to know every factor which determines lifespan.

Lifespan factors often but not always originate from defined genetic elements. They are not just genes, by definition they can be anything for which a Classifications schema can be build for that is related to the regulation of lifespan, such entities may include Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism, transcript variants, proteins and their complexes, compounds (i.e. small molecules like metabolites and drugs), etc. A factor should be based on a defined molecular entity or genomic position and been classified. It shall be highly flexible and scalable Concept.

While individual lifespan factors within each species or precise defined molecular entities will be captured within the Lifespan App, Data Entries of the Data App may summarize for instance the relevance of each factor class (e.g. homologous group; chemical derivate of related structure and properties, etc.) as well as draw overall conclusions. o


  • Types: + -
  • symbol name observation species
    ATG18 The replicative lifespan of ATG18 deletion mutant is not shorter than that of wild-type under DR [18690010]. Budding yeast
    APD1 Actin Patches Distal 1 Although APD1 was identified as a potential long-lived mutant strain in a bar-code screen, deletion of APD1 does not significantly affect chronological lifespan under starvation/extreme DR [20657825]. Budding yeast
    SSN2 Suppressor of SNf1 Although SSN2 was identified as a potential long-lived mutant strain in a bar-code screen, deletion of SSN2 does not significantly affect chronological lifespan under starvation/extreme DR [20657825]. Budding yeast
    BUL1 Binds Ubiquitin Ligase 1 Deletion of BUL1 does non-significantly reduces mean chronological lifespan under starvation/extreme DR [20657825]. Budding yeast
    PAN2 Poly(A)-binding protein-dependent poly(A) riboNuclease 2 Deletion mutant of PAN2 live approximately as long as wild-type under starvation/extreme DR [20657825]. Budding yeast
    CYT1 cytochrome c1 Deletion of CYT1 increases replicative lifespan by 15% in the alpha strain and decreases replicative lifespan by 20% in a strain. Deletion of CYT1 decreases replicative lifespan and cancels out replicative lifespan extension by HAP4 overexpression. Initially, it was shown that deletion of CYT1 also prevents lifespan extension by 0.5% glucose restriction [12124627], but later it was shown that either 0.5 or 0.05 % glucose restriction increases replicative lifespan of cyt1Delta cells [16311627]. Budding yeast
    GAL83 GALactose metabolism 83 Deletion of GAL83 has no effect on replicative lifespan in S228C [10921902] and general GAL83 mutants have no obvious phenotype [10990457]. Budding yeast
    RAD1 RADiation sensitive 1 Deletion of RAD1 has no effect on replicative lifespan [10207108]. Budding yeast
    RAD26 RADiation sensitive 26 Deletion of RAD26 has no effect on replicative lifespan in PSY316 [10207108]. Budding yeast
    RAD7 RADiation sensitive 7 Deletion of RAD7 has no effect on replicative lifespan in PSY316 [10207108]. Mutation in RAD7 results in decrease repair of the non-transcribed strand in rDNA [8604332]. Budding yeast
    SLT2 Suppression at Low Temperature 2 Deletion of SLT2 has no effect on replicative lifespan in W303 strain [12640455]. SLT2 deletion increases rDNA silencing and rDNA recombination and decreases silencing at the telomeres and HM loci [Ray et al., 2003] as well as results in decreased phosphorylation of Sir3 [12640455]. Budding yeast
    CPR7 Cyclosporin-sensitive Proline Rotamase 7 Deletion of CPR7 has no effect on lifespan replicative lifespan, but increases chronological lifespan [11361336] Budding yeast
    DNL4 DNA Ligase 4 DNL4 deletion does not affect lifespan [10521401], although it renders cells defective for non-homologous end-joining [9242411] Budding yeast
    TAD1 tRNA-specific Adenosine Deaminase 1 Deletion of TAD1 does non-significantly increase the mean replicative lifespan by 14% [20550517]. Budding yeast
    FCY1 FluoroCYtosine resistance 1 Deletion of FCY1 does non-significantly decrease mean and maximum replicative lifespan by 4% and 8%, respectively [20550517]. Budding yeast
    SML1 Suppressor of Mec1 Lethality 1 Deletion of SML1 increases non-significantly mean replicative lifespan by 3% and non-significantly maximum lifespan by 16% [20550517]. Budding yeast
    TPS2 Trehalose-6-phosphate PhoSphatase 2 Deletion of TPS2 has no effect on replicative lifespan and does not prevent lifespan extension by high osmolarity [12391171]. TPS2 is required for trehalose biosynthesis in response to osmotic stress [8444170]. Budding yeast
    MXR2 peptide Methionine sulfoXide Reductase 2 Deletion or overexpression of MXR2 (alias MsrB) has no effect on replicative lifespan under normal growth conditions. Simulatonous deletion of MXR2 together with MXR1 dramatically reduces replicative lifespan by 63%. Overexpression of MXR2 under DR conditions extends replicative lifespan by 120% [15141092]. Budding yeast
    UGA2 Utilization of GAba 2 Deletion of UGA2 does not affect replicative lifespan [21371425]. Budding yeast
    UGA4 Utilization of GAba 4 Deletion of UGA4 does not effect replicative lifespan [21371425]. Budding yeast
    STE12 STErile 12 Deletion of STE12 has no effect on replicative lifespan in strain PSY142 or BKY1-14c [7859289]. STE12 null mutants are sterile [6993497]. Budding yeast
    PUF4 PUmilio-homology domain Family 4 Deletion of PUF4 has no effect on replicative lifespan in either uth4-14c (C-terminal truncation) or UTH4 background. However, PUF4 is required for lifespan extension by the semi-dominant Sir4-42 allele in the uth4-14c background [9150138]. PUF4 is required for nucleolar relocalization of Sir3 in a Sir4-42 background [9150138]. puf4;mpt5 double deletion strain has increased telomere silencing relative to the mpt5 single mutant [9651685]. Budding yeast
    CIT2 CITrate synthase 2 Deletion or overexpression of CIT2 has no effect on replicative lifespan. CIT2 is not required for the strain specific lifespan extension in petite cells [10224252], although it is transcribed up to 30-fold higher in petite cells relative to grande cells [1986232]. Budding yeast
    VPS36 Vacuolar Protein Sortin 36 VPS36 deletion mutants have a chronological lifespan as long as wild type BY4741. Thus, Vps36 is not necessary for the starvation/extreme DR-dependent lifespan extension [20657825]. Budding yeast
    IMD2 IMP Dehydrogenase 2 Deletion of IMD2 does non-significantly decrease mean replicative lifespan by 1% and non-significantly increased maximum replicative lifespan by 21% [20550517]. Budding yeast
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    Factors are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.

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