
We need to know every factor which determines lifespan.

Lifespan factors often but not always originate from defined genetic elements. They are not just genes, by definition they can be anything for which a Classifications schema can be build for that is related to the regulation of lifespan, such entities may include Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism, transcript variants, proteins and their complexes, compounds (i.e. small molecules like metabolites and drugs), etc. A factor should be based on a defined molecular entity or genomic position and been classified. It shall be highly flexible and scalable Concept.

While individual lifespan factors within each species or precise defined molecular entities will be captured within the Lifespan App, Data Entries of the Data App may summarize for instance the relevance of each factor class (e.g. homologous group; chemical derivate of related structure and properties, etc.) as well as draw overall conclusions. o


  • Types: + -
    Gene (1)  
  • symbol name observation species
    NMD4 Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay 4 Deletion of NMD4 increases replicative lifespan [16293764]. NMD4 deletion results in replicative lifespan increase by 25% in the alpha strain and decrease by 20% in a strain [19030232]. Budding yeast
    GH1 Growth hormone 1 Transgenic mice overexpressing bovine GH1 are bigger than controls and display early onset of pathological changes in the kidneys such glomerulosis and glomerulonephritis as well as signs of premature aging such as a shortened lifespan, increased astrogliosis, shortened reproductive lifepsan and early onset of age-related changes in cognitive function, hypothalamic neurotransmitter turnover, and plasma corticosterone levels [14583653]. Cattle
    GCN4 Transcriptional activator of amino acid biosynthetic genes in response to amino acid starvation; expression is tightly regulated at both the transcriptional and translational levels Deletion of GCN4 increases the replicative lifespan by 10% in the alpha strain [19030232]. GCN4 deletion decreases the lifespan in the alpha and a strain [20657825]. The chronological lifespan of GCN4 deletion is strongly decreased in the a strain [20421943]. Budding yeast
    Cdkn1a Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A Deletion of Cdkna1 (alias p21) prolongs the lifespan of telomerase-deficient mice with dysfunctional telomeres and improves the repopulation capacity and self-renewal of hematopoietic stem cells [17143283]. The p21(-/-) strains like the Cdkn1a(tmi/Tyj) exhibits enormous regenerative capacities as it closes ear holes similar to MRL mice [20231440; 21722344]. House mouse
    • 4 factors
    Factors are an extension of GenAge and GenDR.

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