MicroRNAs in age-related diseases.

Authors: Dimmeler S; Nicotera P

Abstract: Aging is a complex process that is linked to an increased incidence of major diseases such as cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disease, but also cancer and immune disorders. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs, which post-transcriptionally control gene expression by inhibiting translation or inducing degradation of targeted mRNAs. MiRNAs target up to hundreds of mRNAs, thereby modulating gene expression patterns. Many miRNAs appear to be dysregulated during cellular senescence, aging and disease. However, only few miRNAs have been so far linked to age-related changes in cellular and organ functions. The present article will discuss these findings, specifically focusing on the cardiovascular and neurological systems.

Journal: EMBO molecular medicine
Date: Jan. 23, 2013
PMID: 23339066

Categories: miRNAs Control Aging, MicroRNAs in age-related diseases

Dimmeler S, Nicotera P (2013) MicroRNAs in age-related diseases. EMBO molecular medicine.

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