Change: Semantic Article

created on March 22, 2013, 2:07 p.m. by Hevok & updated on March 22, 2013, 2:07 p.m. by Hevok

The traditional way of publishing is systematic burial of Knowledge. There is so much Information available that we simply do no longer know what we know and finding a particular Information is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Its like finding a needle in a Haystack. Knowledge is fragmentary and disconnected as well as unstructured, spread thinly across thousands of Databases and millions of Articles in thousands Journals. For Information to be usable, it must be stored an organized in ways that allow us to access, analyze and annotate it and to related it to other Information; only then we can begin to understand what it means; only with the acquisition of Meaning do we acquire Knowledge [19929850].

We need to rescue the Data from the dormant pages of published Documents.

A lot of effort is investigated in performing Experiments, produce new Knowledge, hide this Knowledge in often badly written text and spend even more effort in trying to second guess what the Authors really did and found.

We need to stop continuing to bury scientific Knowledge, as we routinely do now, in static unconnected journal Articles; to sequester Fragments of that Knowledge in disparate Databases that are largely inaccessible from journal pages; to further waste countless hours of Scientists' time either repeating Experiments they did not know had been performed before, or worse, trying to verify Facts they did no know had been shown to be false.

There is a huge demand on Semantic Mapping, creation tools for working with papers.

The next-generation authoring tool will be web-based. We need some kind of web-based version of Semantic Document Annotation and editing for Open Distributed Science. The Papers of the Future will be written in HTML5 with RDFa.

For the Concepts of Open Distributed Science, the crowd will primarily create and edit Open Semantic Articles. Snapshots of those can be exported and submitted to traditional journals.

gitarticle push origin Nature

Mouse-over boxes can be used for displaying the key supporting Statements from a cited Reference.

Unique author identifiers like ORCID are a big help in Knowledge Discovery and allow to better define the contributions of a Researcher to a particular paper.

A Data Editor shall enable the community-based, collaborative editing of information to allow correction of Errors.

Article repositories, relevant Ontologies, machine-readable Document Standards already exists. PDF is the current standard for scientific papers, but is in fact not good format for this Purpose at all Articles shall be based HTML or XML and provide Hyperlinks to external Websites and Term Definitions from relevant Ontologies via color-coded textual highlights.

Documents need to have the ability to be enriched with primary Research Data, Visualizations that use 3D and Video, Links to related Resources, the possibility to Comment and has more than one Document Version. More importantly the content of a Document need to be Semantics

Articles need to be enriched with Machine-Readable and Machine-Understandable Representations of Semantic Entities.


Categories: Concept
Parent: Semantic

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