
The human body as well as that of other animals (Species) is highly structured into organs and tissues which serve specific functions. Tissue is the organizational level intermediate between cells and organs system which compose the whole organism. All the tissues and cell types defined in an animal organism are hierarchical structured and shall be fully described. o

  • Hierarchy: + -
  • name description synonyms
    umbilical vein A vein that passes through the umbilical cord to the fetus and returns the oxygenated and nutrient blood from the placenta to the fetus [Brenda].
    trophoblast A thin layer of ectoderm that forms the wall of many mammalian blastulas and functions in the nutrition and implantation of the embryo [Brenda].
    third ventricle The third ventricle (ventriculus tertius) is one of four connected fluid-filled cavities comprising the ventricular system within the human brain. It is a median cleft between the two thalami, and is filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) [Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_ventricle].
    thalamus The largest subdivision of the diencephalon that consists chiefly of an ovoid mass of nuclei in each lateral wall of the third ventricle and functions in the integration of sensory information [Brenda].
    subthalamus The subthalamus is a part of the diencephalon. Its major part is the subthalamic nucleus. Functionally, it also encompasses the globus pallidus, which is topographically part of the telencephalon [Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subthalamus].
    seminiferous tubule One of two or three twisted, curved tubules in each lobule of the testis in which spermatozoa develop [Brenda].
    seminal vesicle Either of a pair of glandular pouches that lie one on either side of the male reproductive tract and in the human male secrete a sugar- and protein-containing fluid into the ejaculatory duct [Brenda].
    renal tubule One of the minute, reabsorptive, secretory, and collecting canals, made up of basement membrane lined with epithelium, that form the substance of the kidneys [Brenda].
    renal corpuscle A mass of arterial capillaries enveloped in a capsule and attached to a tubule in the kidney [Brenda].
    rectum The terminal part of the intestine from the sigmoid flexure to the anus [Brenda].
    pons A broad mass of chiefly transverse nerve fibers conspicuous on the ventral surface of the brain of man and lower mammals at the anterior end of the medulla oblongata [Brenda].
    pia mater The fine vascular membrane that closely envelops the brain and spinal cord under the arachnoid and the dura mater [Brenda].
    osseous labyrinth The bony labyrinth or osseous labyrinth consists of three parts: the vestibule, semicircular canals, and cochlea. These are cavities hollowed out of the substance of the bone, and lined by periosteum; they contain a clear fluid, the perilymph, in which the membranous labyrinth is situated [Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bony_labyrinth]. bony labyrinth
    myometrium The smooth muscle coat of the uterus, which forms the main mass of the organ [Brenda].
    midbrain The middle of the three primary divisions of the developing vertebrate brain or the corresponding part of the adult brain [Brenda].
    metathalamus The metathalamus is a composite structure of the thalamus, consisting of the medial geniculate nucleus and the lateral geniculate nucleus [Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metathalamus].
    membranous labyrinth The receptors for the senses of equilibrium and hearing are housed within a collection of fluid filled tubes and chambers known as the membranous labyrinth. The membranous labyrinth is lodged within the bony labyrinth and has the same general form; it is, however, considerably smaller and is partly separated from the bony walls by a quantity of fluid, the perilymph [Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Membranous_labyrinth].
    medulla oblongata The part of the vertebrate brain that is continuous posteriorly with the spinal cord and that contains the centers controlling involuntary vital functions [Brenda].
    mammary gland The specialized accessory gland of the skin of female mammals that secretes milk. In the human female, it is a compound tubuloalveolar gland composed of 15 to 25 lobes arranged radially about the nipple and separated by connective and adipose tissue, each lobe having its own excretory (lactiferous) duct opening on the nipple. The lobes are subdivided into lobules, with the alveolar ducts and alveoli being the secretory portion of the gland [Brenda].
    macula lutea An irregular yellowish depression on the retina, about 3 degrees wide, lateral to and slightly below the optic disk; it is the site of absorption of short wavelengths of light, and it is thought that its variation in size, shape, and coloring may be related to variant types of color vision [Brenda]. macula; macula of retina
    lateral ventricle An internal cavity in each cerebral hemisphere that consists of a central body and three cornua including an anterior one curving forward and outward, a posterior one curving backward, and an inferior one curving downward [Brenda].
    hypothalamus The ventral part of the diencephalon that forms the floor and part of the lateral wall of the third ventricle. Anatomically, it includes the preoptic area, optic tract, optic chiasm, mammillary bodies, tuber cinereum, infundibulum, and neurohypophysis, but for physiological purposes the neurohypophysis is considered a distinct structure. The hypothalamus may be divided into five regions or areas (area hypothalamica rostralis, area hypothalamica dorsalis, area hypothalamica intermedia, area hypothalamica lateralis and area hypothalamica posterior) or into three longitudinal zones (periventricular zone, medial zone, and lateral zone). The hypothalamic nuclei constitute that part of the corticodiencephalic mechanism that activates, controls and integrates the peripheral autonomic mechanisms, endocrine activity, and many somatic functions, e.g., a general regulation of water balance, body temperature, sleep, and food intake, and the development of secondary sex characteristics. The hypothalamus secretes vasopressin and oxytocin, which are stored in the pituitary, as well as many releasing factors (hypophysiotropic hormones), by means of which it exerts control over functions of the adenohypophysis [Brenda].
    glans The glans (Latin for "acorn") is a vascular structure located at the tip of the penis in men or a homologous genital structure of the clitoris in women [Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glans].
    fovea centralis The fovea centralis, also generally known as the fovea (the term fovea comes from the Latin, meaning pit or pitfall), is a part of the eye, located in the center of the macula region of the retina [Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fovea_centralis].
    fourth ventricle The fourth ventricle is one of the four connected fluid-filled cavities within the human brain. The fourth ventricle extends from the cerebral aqueduct (aqueduct of Sylvius) to the obex, and is filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The fourth ventricle has a characteristic diamond shape in cross-sections of the human brain. It is located within the pons or in the upper part of the medulla [Brenda].
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